As a part of society, we have obligations to make due contributions to the progress and development of society. We are committed to take concrete actions to fulfill the responsibilities of a corporate citizen. For the pursuit of long term advancement of human and culture, we will continue to devote our strength to such activities in order to give back to society.

01 Destiny Lifebuilders Children Ministry
• Destiny Lifebuilders Children Ministry is a ministry that help underprivileged children and most especially with its focus on children of prisoners. It’s mission is to break the cycle of defeat, dysfunctions, violence, poverty and hopelessness thus, building and rebuilding their lives so that they too can become a blessing in the society in the future.
• ICF Group has been periodically supporting them financially where they will provide food, education, sanitary equipment and mentoring to these children. The ministry also helped in giving emotional support, cultivating values and developing the children in their interest and talents.

02 Jesus Storehouse Mission School
• Jesus Storehouse is a ministry that Helps, Hones and Hosts Kingdom Builders; people called to minister and equip believers to Infiltrate, Occupy, Build and Govern God’s Kingdom, through the building of lives, homes, communities and the nations.
• ICF Group has partnered with Jesus Store House to build Jesus Storehouse Mission School at Barangay Maliwalu, Pampanga, Philippines in 2013. The School follows ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) which provides children from nursery to primary 4 with academics, skill building, reading practice, character and wisdom training, and knowledge of God and His Word. Core subjects include English, Math, Science, Literature and Creative Writing, Social Studies etc.. With a clean, comfortable and well-lit environment to have their free education, the children will be able to acquire the essential knowledge and skills they needed as they grow up.

03 Student Care Center (SC@UR)
• ICF Group has also partnered with Jesus Store House to open a Student Care Center at Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines in Jan 2019. This place can accommodate up to 60 paxs, opening hours from afternoon to evening, giving a conducive place for students to study, chill and fellowship. Varieties of programmes and activities are line up to promote student growth and development and to enhance their academic success.

04 Breakthrough Missions
• Breakthrough Missions is set up to spread love of God and aid others in breaking free of their bondage to drugs and give the hope to those whose lives are plagued by crime and drugs and are "condemned" by the society and even their families. Breakthrough Missions has 18 months residential rehabilitation programme that is free of charge and residents undergo a time-tested 7-stage process to help them rediscover the true meaning of life. At Breakthrough Missions, residents learn new skills and work ethics through our social enterprise projects; attain spiritual growth through Bible study, worship, prayer and cell group fellowship and regain confidence through acceptance and support from the big family of the Church.
• Breakthrough Missions offer many services and ICF Group has been engaging their Nursery & Landscaping Services regularly to support them financially and provide them the chance to acquire and to hone their skills, foster responsibility and to cultivate habits of positive work life.

05 "Our Place in the World"
• Singapore's Speaker of Parliament, Mr. Tan Chuan-Jin in collaboration with Far East Organization, Hope Initiative Alliance, Arts@Work, and 12 charities are working to raise funds for the vulnerable communities both locally and beyond.

"As we commemorate the last 200 years of Singapore's history, we are reminded of our place in the world. Many people have passed through our shores, many have chosen to stay. And with each encounter, we have gained from traded stories, journeys and shared experiences. I too, hope to offer a perspective through the lens of my camera, of people and communities on a similar journey to make our planet, our home."
by Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin

Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore, Heng Swee Keat with Chairman from ICF Group, Mr. Tan Swee Lim at the exhibition.

Member of the Parliament of Singapore, Tan Chuan-Jin with Chairman from ICF Group, Mr. Tan Swee Lim at the exhibition.

06 Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO)
• The Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO) is a new network that aims to be a national aggregator of services for migrant workers in Singapore. AGWO brings together partners from the various areas, including corporations, religious groups, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This is to better organize their efforts and grow the pool of resources they can tap. ICF Group as a AGWO partner has tried to improve 150 guest workers' housing, well-being, and skills.

07 Guest Workers Appreciate Day "Christmas with the Nations"
• SowCare, a charity arm of the Bible Society of Singapore, and ICF Group worked collaboratively to organized a Christmas event in the year 2020 for the foreign workers and housewives. Gathering over 350 foreign workers and housewives who had left their families to work in Singapore have attended the event, 'Christmas with the Nations' was held in the headquarters of ICF Group.

08 SG United Amidst Adversity #CharitiesCaringTogether
• Hope Initiative Alliance is an interracial and interreligious platform for charities to provide holistic care for the vulnerable has partnered with more than 50 charitable organizations to launch SG United Amidst Adversity #CharitiesCaringTogether, an initiative to distribute care packs to more than 5,000 various vulnerable and marginalized individuals amidst the COVID-19 situation.
• The care packs consist of surgical masks, hand sanitizers, and food items, kindly sponsored by ICF Group and also other groups of corporations and organizations. The packing of the care packs by the volunteer will be done in ICF Group's headquarters. It will be collected by HIA's partner organizations which will distribute to their beneficiaries.